LoginError=Error logging into LastPass. Please try again.
Blacklist=Your account has been temporarily suspended (for 5 minutes) because of too many login attempt failures.
EnableDebug=Enable Debug
DisableDebug=Disable Debug
UseLastPass=Simplify your life: Use LastPass to autologin into this site!
UseLastPassLogin=Simplify your life: Login to LastPass first, then you can capture this site's login!
UseLastPassCapture=This site's login information has been captured. Login to LastPass to store it!
UseLastPassFill=Simplify your life: Use LastPass to autofill in this site's login info!
AlreadyFilled=LastPass has filled your login information into the form on this page.
LoggedInOffline=LastPass was unable to contact the login server, so you are now in offline mode. Some functionality may be limited.
NoAccountsDefined=No Sites Available
NoMatchingSites=No Matching Sites!
RefreshAccounts=Refresh Sites
OpenFavorites=Open Favorites
Always=Always AutoLogin
AlwaysAutoFill=Always AutoFill
NeverAutoFill=Never AutoFill
NoThanks=No Thanks
RememberWithLastPass=Remember this password with LastPass.com
PasswordChange=LastPass detected a password change for user:
PasswordChange2=LastPass detected a password change for domain:
EnterCaptcha=You must complete a security check before you are able to login to this site. Please do so, and then submit the form.
HideToolbar=Hide Toolbar
ShowToolbar=Show Toolbar
TryAgain=Try Again
AddAccountText=Should LastPass remember this password?
AddSite=Add Site
SaveSite=Save Site
AddBookmark=Add Bookmark
NotThisLogin=Not Now
AddSecureNote=Add Secure Note
ExportChrome=Do you want to export chrome:// passwords to Firefox? (Recommended)
ExportAll=Do you want to export all passwords to Firefox? (Not recommended)
ErrorAddAcctMsg=An error occurred while processing your request. Please try to add the site later.
ErrorSendingMsg=An error occurred while attempting to contact the server. Please check your Internet connection.
ErrorGetAcctsMsg=An error occurred while retrieving your LastPass sites. Please try to log back in to retrieve your sites.
ErrorLoginMsg=An error occurred while logging into LastPass. Please check your Internet connection.
ErrorChangePwMsg=An error occurred while changing your password. Please check your Internet connection.
ErrorServerMsg=A server error occurred while processing your request.
ErrorUnsafeSiteMsg=LastPass has detected an attempt to add a potentially unsafe site.
ErrorSessionMsg=Your LastPass session appears to have expired. Please re-login.
ErrorSaveGenPwMsg=An error occurred while saving your generated password. Please check your Internet connection.
ErrorDeleteAcctMsg=An error occurred while processing your request. Please try to delete the site later.
FeatureDisabled=This feature is currently disabled.
NotLoggedIn=You are not currently logged in.
LoginOverlayText=LastPass is currently logging you in...
GeneratePassword=If you're creating an account or changing your password, hit generate to create a unique, secure password with LastPass.
NeverForThisSite=Never For This Page
ErrorCopyingToClipboard=An error has been encountered while copying to the clipboard.
LastPassToolbar=LastPass Toolbar
LastPassFFToolbar=LastPass Firefox Toolbar
TTLogin=Login to LastPass
TTChange=Change your password in LastPass for this site
TTGenerate=Generate a Secure Password
TTNeverForThisSite=If clicked, we will never offer to generate passwords for this site anymore
TTNeverForThisSite2=If clicked, we will never offer to fill forms for this site anymore
TTFeedback=Provide feedback to the LastPass team. We appreciate all feedback!
TTTryAgain=Your attempt failed. Click this button to try again
TTAutoLogin=Click this button for LastPass to fill in the form fields and submit the form
TTAutoFill=Click this button to have LastPass fill in all form fields that it knows. That will give you a chance to review the data before it is submitted.
TTAlways=If clicked, LastPass will always automatically log into this site for you
TTAdd=Add this site to your LastPass accounts
TTNever=If clicked, we will never prompt you to add this account again
TTNotThisLogin=LastPass will not re-prompt you to remember this username/password combination this session
TTNeverAskAgain=Never ask to login to LastPass again
TTReportBroken=Click this button to report that LastPass is not working as expected for this particular site.
TTNever2=If clicked, LastPass will never automatically fill this site's login information again
TTFillForm=If clicked, LastPass will fill in the form on this page with your form fill information
TTFillCurrent=If clicked, LastPass will fill in your current password on this page
TTAddFormFill=Create a new form fill profile based on the data in this form
TTCreateAccount=Click this button to create a LastPass account
TTDisableMultifactorAuthentication=Click this button to disable multifactor authentication
TTDisableSinglefactorAuthentication=Click this button to disable single-factor authentication
Select a file to import=Select a file to import
RoboformInstructions=To export RoboForm logins, click on RoboForm=>Logins...=>Print List. Click on the Full URL check-box and press the save button. Import the resulting file.\n\nTo export RoboForm SafeNotes, click on RoboForm=>SafeNotes=>Print List. Press the save button. Import the resulting file.\n\nTo export RoboForm Identities, click on RoboForm=>Identities=>Print List. Press the save button. Import the resulting file.
pwsafeInstructions=To export from Password Safe, Click on File -> Export To -> XML -> Save the file. Import the resulting file.
passpackInstructions=To export passwords from Passpack: Login, go to the Tools screen, and click Export. Under _What Type of Format Would You Like To Export?_ Select _Comma Separated Values_, and on _Which Entries Would You Like To Export?_ Select _All of my entries_, then hit _Continue_. Select all of the text in the text-box on the next screen, copy it to the clipboard, create a new file with notepad called passpack.csv, paste the contents into this file. Import this file.
mypwsafeInstructions=To export from MyPasswordSafe, Click on File -> Save As -> Select type of UNENCRYPTED XML -> Save the file. Import the resulting file.
keepassInstructions=To export KeePass logins, open your KeePass database, and click on File => Export To => XML File. Choose a file location and press the Save button. Then, press the OK button. Import the resulting file.
pwagentInstructions=To export Password Agent logins, open your Password Agent database, and click on File => Print and Export => Change the output format to XML File, make sure 'Group' is checked. Choose a file location and press the Save button. Import the resulting file.
lastpassInstructions=To export LastPass logins, open your browser with the LastPass plugin installed, and click on LastPass => Tools => Export To => CSV File. Choose a file location and press the Save button. Import the resulting file.
1PasswordInstructions=To export 1Password logins, login to 1Password. Select all or just passwords that you want to export. Then select: File menu / Export All / Text file... Or File menu / Export Selected / Text file... Click Export button and Save password file, and Import the resulting file.
ManuallyAddSite=Are you sure you would like to manually add a site? Since you have the LastPass plugin, you can add a site simply by browsing to it and logging in.
LastPassMasterLogin=LastPass Master Login
NeverAskAgain=Never Ask Again
FastEncryption=Fast Encryption
Select a file to export to=Select a file to export to
1. Insert your YubiKey in the USB-port with the USB-contact facing upward=1. Insert your YubiKey in the USB-port with the USB-contact facing upward
2. Wait until your YubiKey touch-button shines with a steady light=2. Wait until your YubiKey touch-button shines with a steady light
3. Hold your fingertip on the touch-button for 2 seconds=3. Hold your fingertip on the touch-button for 2 seconds
If you lost your YubiKey device, click here to disable YubiKey authentication=If you lost your YubiKey device, click here to disable YubiKey authentication
1. Run the LastPass Sesame application to generate a one time password=1. Run the LastPass Sesame application to generate a one time password
2. Paste the one time password in the input box below and click 'Authenticate'=2. Paste the one time password in the input box below and click 'Authenticate'
If you lost your Sesame device, click here to disable Sesame authentication=If you lost your Sesame device, click here to disable Sesame authentication
SesameOfflineRestricted=Your Sesame Multifactor authentication settings have restricted offline access to your LastPass vault.\n\nPlease connect to the Internet or change your Sesame settings to enable offline access.
Waiting for the website to finish loading...=Waiting for the website to finish loading...
Submitted the form, waiting for the remote website...=Submitted the form, waiting for the remote website...
Fix Broken=Fix Broken
Report Broken=Report Broken
Edit Bookmark Information=Edit Bookmark Information
FFImportSuccessful=Your Firefox passwords have been imported successfully.\n\nWould you like to remove them from Firefox? Doing so will ensure they remain secure.
FFImportFailed=An error occurred while importing your Firefox passwords.
MustBeLoggedIn=You must be logged into the LastPass plugin to use this feature.
FFImportNone=You do not have any passwords stored in Firefox Password Manager.
FFImportAsk=Would you like to import passwords currently stored in Firefox Password Manager into LastPass?\n\nDoing so will also disable Firefox Password Manager.
Are you sure you would like to delete this site?=Are you sure you would like to delete this site?
Are you sure you would like to delete this bookmark?=Are you sure you would like to delete this bookmark?
Are you sure you would like to delete this generated password?=Are you sure you would like to delete this generated password?
PleaseMakeSelection=Please Make a Selection
Are you sure you want to have LastPass remember your password? This will significantly decrease the security of your LastPass account!=Are you sure you want to have LastPass remember your password? This will significantly decrease the security of your LastPass account!
Please select the passwords you would like to import into LastPass=Please select the passwords you would like to import into LastPass:
Are you sure you wish to show your passwords?=Are you sure you wish to show your passwords?
Show Passwords=Show Passwords
Hide Passwords=Hide Passwords
LastPass FF Toolbar=LastPass FF Toolbar
You must enter a name.=You must enter a name.
Generated Password for=Generated Password for
FillableFormDetected=A fillable form has been detected on this page.
FillForm=Fill Form
EnterFormFillData=You do not yet have any form fill data entered. Would you like to enter some now?
CookieAdd=In order for LastPass to work properly, cookies must be accepted from LastPass.com. Would you like LastPass to fix this?
ConfirmURLChange=Are you sure you want to change this site's URL?\n\nDoing so may cause it to stop working.
PageUp=Page Up
PageDown=Page Down
MustRestartFirefoxHotkeys=You must restart Firefox before changes to your HotKeys will take effect.
InsecureSite=You are currently browsing an insecure website.\n\nAre you sure you want LastPass to fill your credit card information into this site?
CopyLicense=Copyright 2008 LastPass. All Rights Reserved.\nPortions of this software were licensed from third parties as described at:\nhttps://lastpass.com/docs/licenses.php
NoSecureNotesDefined=No Secure Notes Available
SecureNotes=Secure Notes
Edit Secure Note=Edit Secure Note
Are you sure you would like to delete this secure note?=Are you sure you would like to delete this secure note?
AddProfile=Add Profile
You must enter a profile name.=You must enter a profile name.
You must enter a valid birthday, with a 4 digit year.=You must enter a valid birthday, with a 4 digit year.
You must enter a valid phone number.=You must enter a valid phone number.
You must enter your credit card number as a sequence of 12 to 19 digits, without dashes.=You must enter your credit card number as a sequence of 12 to 19 digits, without dashes.
You must enter a valid credit card expiration date, with a 4 digit year.=You must enter a valid credit card expiration date, with a 4 digit year.
You must enter your credit card security code as a sequence of 3 to 4 digits.=You must enter your credit card security code as a sequence of 3 to 4 digits.
Are you sure you would like to delete this form fill profile?=Are you sure you would like to delete this form fill profile?
ChangePwInstr1=Please select which sites you wish to apply this change.
ChangePwInstr2=Would you like to apply this password change to other sites?
AddIdentity=Add Identity
Your selected Identity no longer exists. Defaulting to 'All' and logging off.=Your selected Identity no longer exists. Defaulting to 'All' and logging off.
You must enter a valid email address.=You must enter a valid email address.
This is a shared site. You are not permitted to view the password.=This is a shared site. You are not permitted to view the password.
Invalid Password.=Invalid Password.
We've detected populated fields on this page. Would you like to save all fields on this page?=We've detected populated fields on this page. Would you like to save all fields on this page?
Number of fields saved=Number of fields saved
Save All Entered Data=Save All Entered Data
LastPass cannot login until cookies are allowed from lastpass.com=LastPass cannot login until cookies are allowed from lastpass.com
Clear Forms=Clear Forms
You must enter a description.=You must enter a description.
Never For This ...=Never For This ...
Never For This Domain=Never For This Domain
Check For Updates=Check For Updates
LastPass update available=LastPass update available
No Updates are Available=No Updates are Available
An Update is Available. Would you like to install?=An Update is Available. Would you like to install?
MustRestartUpdate=You must restart Firefox for the update to complete
A required update is available for LastPass. Please press OK to begin download and installation.=A required update is available for LastPass.\n\nPlease press OK to begin download and installation.
You must enter a valid phone extension, consisting only of digits.=You must enter a valid phone extension, consisting only of digits.
In order to enter a phone extension, you must enter a phone number.=In order to enter a phone extension, you must enter a phone number.
Add Credit Card=Add Credit Card
All custom fields must have both text and a value.=All custom fields must have both text and a value.
InsecureForm=LastPass detected a login form that is insecure.\n\nWould you still like LastPass to fill the form?
(New Pending Share Offers)=(New Pending Share Offers)
Share offer from=Share offer from
InsecureFormSubmit=LastPass detected a login form that is insecure.\n\nWould you like to continue?
Fill Current=Fill Current
Copy Username=Copy Username
Copy Password=Copy Password
SesameWrongButton=To view your data when offline you must run Sesame\nand use the 'Copy Offline Password' button instead\nof the 'Generate One Time Password' button.
SesameOfflineStep1=1. Run the LastPass Sesame application and click on the 'Copy Offline Password' button
SesameOfflineStep2=2. Paste the offline password in the input box below and click 'Authenticate'
just now=just now
You must enter a valid bank account number, consisting only of letters and digits.=You must enter a valid bank account number, consisting only of letters and digits.
You must enter a valid bank routing number, consisting only of digits.=You must enter a valid bank routing number, consisting only of digits.
Admin Tools=Admin Tools
Are you sure you would like to delete this field?=Are you sure you would like to delete this field?
PasswordReprompt=Your current settings require you to enter your LastPass password to complete this action
MasterPassword=Master Password
Caps Lock is ON=Caps Lock is ON
RememberUsername=Remember Email
RememberPassword=Remember Password
ShowHomepageAfterLogin=Show My LastPass Vault After Login
ForgotHelp=I forgot my password, Help!
CreateAccount=Create an Account
RepromptTime=Do not re-prompt for
Add LastPass Site=Add LastPass Site
Add New Site=Add New Site
Make This a Favorite=Make This a Favorite
Replace Existing Site=Replace Existing Site
LastPass Print=LastPass Print
LastPass Help=LastPass Help
Do not show this help item again=Do not show this help item again
Offer to Generate Secure Passwords=Offer to Generate Secure Passwords
Automatically Logoff when Close Browser=Automatically Logoff when all browsers are closed for (mins)
IdleLogoff=Automatically logoff after idle (mins)
Open New Pages in Tabs=Open New Pages in Tabs
Open New Pages in Windows=Open New Pages in Windows
Open New Pages in the current tab=Open New Pages in the current tab
Highlight Input boxes=Highlight Input boxes
Show Notifications=Show Notifications
Show Login Notifications=Show Login Notifications
Automatically Fill Login Information=Automatically Fill Login Information
Show Form Fill Notifications=Show Form Fill Notifications
Use Compact Toolbar=Use Compact Toolbar
Show Sites in Groups=Show Sites in Groups
Show Sites in Sidebar=Show Sites in Sidebar
Option2=LastPass doesn't try to log me into a particular site
Option3=LastPass logins fail to a particular site
Option1=I have a suggestion
EmailOptional=Email (optional)
This can only be handled from a webpage=This can only be handled from a webpage
Click here to launch Account Settings=Click here to launch Account Settings
Generate Secure Password=Generate Secure Password
Recheck Page=Recheck Page
Site Search=Site Search
Fill In Next Login (when multiple)=Fill In Next Login (when multiple)
Fill In Previous Login (when multiple)=Fill In Previous Login (when multiple)
Open My LastPass Vault=Open My LastPass Vault
Automatically login to sites if time since last login > (seconds)=Automatically login to sites if time since last login > (seconds)
Warn before filling insecure forms=Warn before filling insecure forms
RespectAutoComplete=Respect AutoComplete=off: allow websites to disable AutoFill
Poll server for account changes (mins)=Poll server for account changes (mins)
Change Password Detected=Change Password Detected
LastPass detected a password change for=LastPass detected a password change for
Select All=Select All
Unselect All=Unselect All
Edit Site Fields=Edit Site Fields
Edit Form Fill Profile=Edit Form Fill Profile
Profile Name=Profile Name
Profile Language=Profile Language
First Name=First Name
Middle Name=Middle Name
Last Name=Last Name
Social Security Number=Social Security Number
Address 1=Address 1
Address 2=Address 2
State / Province=State / Province
ZIP Code=ZIP Code
Email Address=Email Address
Phone Number=Phone Number
Mobile Number=Mobile Number
Evening Number=Evening Number
Fax Number=Fax Number
Credit Card Number=Credit Card Number
Expiration Date=Expiration Date
Security Code=Security Code
Personal Information=Personal Information
Contact Information=Contact Information
Credit Card Information=Credit Card Information
Bank Account Information=Bank Account Information
Custom Fields=Custom Fields
Alternate Text=Alternate Text
Show notifications below browser=Show notifications below browser
Bank Name=Bank Name
Account Number=Account Number
Routing Number=Routing Number
Time Zone=Time Zone
Show Advanced Options=Show Advanced Options
PasswordLength=Password Length:
MinimumDigitCount=Minimum Digit Count:
LastPass Site Search=LastPass Site Search
My LastPass Vault=My LastPass Vault
Fill Forms=Fill Forms
Make this my home page!=Make this my home page!
NoSites=To get started with LastPass, you will need to add sites to your account.
BrowseNormally=Browse the web as you normally would and LastPass will automatically remember passwords as you enter them.
Watch a video on basic usage=Watch a video on basic usage
Expand All=Expand All
Collapse All=Collapse All
Last Touch=Last Touch
Select Passwords to Import=Select Passwords to Import
LastPass Sites=LastPass Sites
Retrieving Sites...=Retrieving Sites...
Import From=Import From
Firefox Password Manager=Firefox Password Manager
Password Safe=Password Safe
Export To=Export To
LastPass CSV File=LastPass CSV File
LastPass Encrypted File=LastPass Encrypted File
Other Sessions=Other Sessions
Admin Page=Admin Page
LastPass Fill Forms=LastPass Fill Forms
Restart Firefox=Restart Firefox
Upload All Forms=Upload All Forms
Upload Forms=Upload Forms
MustRestart=You must restart your browser before all of the changes will take effect.
Help Translate=Help Translate
ScreenKeyboard=Screen Keyboard
Welcome to LastPass!=Welcome to LastPass!
WelcomeMsg1=LastPass is the last password you'll ever have to remember. If you're new to LastPass, we'll just need a few minutes of your time to setup your account. You'll be able to use this account on any other PC you use to always keep your personal data in sync. Hit create account to begin.
WelcomeMsg2=If you already have a LastPass account you can close this window and login.
ReallyQuit=Do you really want to quit? You cannot use LastPass without creating an account.
VisitWebsiteToCreate=Please visit https://lastpass.com to create an account at a later time.
Reenter1=To create your account, please re-enter your LastPass master password
Reenter3=To protect your privacy and keep your data confidential,
Reenter4=we DO NOT know what your LastPass password is.
Reenter5=We also DO NOT keep a copy or backup of it.
Reenter6=But I'm a forgetful person...what should I do if I forget my password?
Reenter7=If you do end up forgetting your LastPass master password,
Reenter8=contact us and we will email you your password reminder.
Reenter9=Your password reminder serves to remind you of what your
Reenter10=actual password is, while still maintaining its secrecy.
ReenterPassword=Re-enter Password
I have read and agree with the=I have read and agree with the
terms of service=terms of service
privacy statement=privacy statement
importdataask1=Import Your Data
importdataask2=Importing your data to your LastPass vault will secure it and protect
importdataask3=you against identity theft. All imported data remains COMPLETELY
importdataask4=confidential: the only person who can view YOUR data is YOU.
importdataask5=Allow LastPass to find insecure data on your computer?
importdataask6=Yes, and show me all items found and automatically import them into LastPass
importdataask7=Yes, let me choose which items I want imported into LastPass
importdataask8=No, do not import any of my insecure items
View Passwords to Import=View Passwords to Import
Below are the passwords that will be imported into LastPass=Below are the passwords that will be imported into LastPass
removedataask1=Secure Your Computer
removedataask2=A copy of your data has been imported into your LastPass vault.
removedataask3=Your data vault has been encrypted to protect it from theft.
removedataask4=But, the ORIGINAL insecure data items are still on your computer.
removedataask5=To prevent identity theft, we HIGHLY recommend they be removed.
removedataask6=Remove insecure data from your computer?
removedataask7=Yes, remove all items that were imported to LastPass
removedataask8=No, do not remove any insecure data items
formfillask1=Configure Form Fill
formfillask2=LastPass can automatically fill web page forms with a single click.
formfillask3=Using automatic 'Form Filling' will not only save you time, but will
formfillask4=also enhance your security when shopping online.
formfillask5=Would you like to set up a Form Filling profile now?
formfillask6=Yes, let me enter and review data that will be used when filling forms
formfillask7=No, I do not want LastPass to help me fill forms automatically
Invalid email address, try again=Invalid email address, try again
Email already in use, have you forgotten your password?=Email already in use, have you forgotten your password?
Password Reminder=Password Reminder
I understand that my encrypted data will be sent to LastPass=I understand that my encrypted data will be sent to LastPass
Keep a history of my logins and form fills=Keep a history of my logins and form fills
Send anonymous error reporting data to help improve LastPass=Send anonymous error reporting data to help improve LastPass
You must agree to the terms to continue=You must agree to the terms to continue
AgreeUploadData=You must agree to send your encrypted data to LastPass.com.\n\nLastPass.com encrypts your data and sends it to its secure servers.\nNo one at LastPass can read your confidential data since it is encrypted using your\nsecret password and you are the only one who knows your password.
ShortPassword=Your password is too short. It must be at least 6 characters long
PasswordEmailSame=Your password can not be the same as your email.
ObviousPassword=Your password is easily guessable.
Password reminder cannot match password=Password reminder cannot match password
The LastPass master password you reentered does not match=The LastPass master password you reentered does not match
DoNotDeletePasswordsConfirm=Leaving your passwords stored on your computer will compromise their security.\nAre you sure you would like to continue without removing them?
Please enter a Password Reminder=Please enter a Password Reminder
Creating Account...=Creating Account...
thanks2=LastPass is fully installed! When you install LastPass on other computers you will not have to go through this process again, you'll simply be able to login. Do not share your Master Password with anyone, including LastPass employees, we'll never ask for it! LastPass encrypts your sensitive data locally so even LastPass employees do not have access to it. You can get help by clicking on the LastPass icon and going to Help.
thanks3=Click here to watch a video on basic usage.
thanks4=Click Continue to start using LastPass.
Importing Your Data...=Importing Your Data...
Contains Note=Contains Note
Will AutoLogin=Will AutoLogin
NotesTooLarge=The notes field contains too much data. You may store a maximum of 45,000 characters per note.\n\nWould you like us to truncate the note for you? You will lose some of your data.
Show Save Site Notifications=Show Save Site Notifications
Clear Clipboard after use (seconds)=Clear Clipboard after use (seconds)
Rename Group=Rename Group
Change Group Name=Change Group Name
Select or enter a new group name=Select or enter a new group name
Create Sub-Group=Create Sub-Group
Group Name=Group Name
Show Deleted Sites=Show Deleted Sites
Open All=Open All
Are you sure you would like to launch all sites?=Are you sure you would like to launch all sites?
Share Selected=Share Selected
Delete Selected=Delete Selected
Move Selected to Group=Move Selected to Group
Move to Group=Move to Group
Are you sure you would like to delete the selected sites?=Are you sure you would like to delete the selected sites?
Change Password=Change Password
Please Select=Please Select
Save New Site=Save New Site
Please select your language=Please select your language:
FeedbackDescIntro=Please read the following suggested solution. If this doesn't fix the problem, you can click here to clear the description and continue submitting your feedback.
Option5=LastPass doesn't capture my login for a particular site
Option4=I want to store multiple logins for a domain
nocapturesol=If LastPass does not automatically offer to save a login, you are recommended to revisit the login page, fill in the login fields and click on the 'Save All Entered Data' option in the toolbar (before you submit the form).
nocapturesol2=The 'Save All Entered Data' solution should work for all sites except ones with Macromedia Flash logins, which is currently not supported.
multloginssol=If you have several logins for a site that you would like to save in LastPass, simply log into each account as you normally would. LastPass will recognize when a new username/password combination has been entered and will prompt you to save this new account.
multloginssol2=The next time you visit the site, LastPass will show the notification bar with options to AutoFill and AutoLogin. The number in each button indicates the number of different logins you have saved for this site.
loginsfailsol=If LastPass fails to login to a site, verify that LastPass has the correct username and password saved by clicking on the Edit link next to the site in the Vault. If the data is incorrect, edit the details and retry to login.
loginsfailsol2=Also try to copy and paste this information into the login form and verify that the login succeeds. If this does not work, then it is likely not a LastPass problem.
nologinssol=If LastPass doesn't attempt to login to a site, verify that you are logged into LastPass and that your current Identity includes this site.
nologinssol2=If this site has been imported and does not contain the information required to autologin, you may have to use the 'AutoFill' button in the LastPass notification bar the first time you log into the site. This should only be required once per account, and we won't show the bar if there's only one account after this setup.
Clear Local Cache=Clear Local Cache
A retry file has been found. This likely means that not all of your site changes have been saved. Would you like to delete this file and potentially lose some changes?=A retry file has been found. This likely means that not all of your site changes have been saved. Would you like to delete this file and potentially lose some changes?
Show certain notifications only after click=Show certain notifications only after click
TurboPasswordsInstructions=To import your TurboPasswords logins, open the program, and the password file to be exported. If you want to restrict the export to a particular category or type, filter the entries displayed using the Category and Type drop-downs above the main window. Click File|Export Category. This opens a standard Windows Save dialog, so enter a file name and location, and select Comma Separated Values (.csv) from the Save as Type box.
Password Keeper=Password Keeper
passkeepInstructions=To import your Password Keeper logins, open the program, and the password file to be exported. Click File -> Export File. Click Yes, enter your password, and click OK. This opens a standard Windows Save dialog, so enter a file name and location. Import the resulting file.
Generic CSV File=Generic CSV File
csvInstructions=If you have another format that LastPass doesn't currently support you can attempt to save your data as a CSV file\n\nYOU MUST MODIFY THE FIRST ROW OF THE CSV FILE FOR LASTPASS TO RECOGNIZE IT\n\nThe first row's column names should be properly setup for the data in the columns\nPossible first row names:\n\nurl,username,password,extra,name,grouping\n\n'extra' means 'notes' and 'grouping' is what group it should be in. You do not have to use all the column names and they don't need to be in any order. For example your file's first row might be like:\n\nname,username,password,url\n\nIf you want to import a Secure Note instead of a Site, simply ensure the 'url', 'username', and 'password' columns are left blank (or omit the 'url', 'username', and/or 'password' columns entirely), and ensure the 'extra' column is not blank. As long as these two things have been done, the record will automatically be imported as a Secure Note instead of a Site.\n\nThis should be very simple, just open your saved CSV file in Excel and make sure the top row has the appropriate name from above for what it is. Save it, then import the resulting file.
An error has been encountered while loading your sites. Please relogin.=An error has been encountered while loading your sites. Please relogin.
You do not yet have any sites setup for your currently selected identity!=You do not yet have any sites setup for your currently selected identity!
Please change your identity back to 'All' to view a complete listing of your sites.=Please change your identity back to 'All' to view a complete listing of your sites.
MSI PasswordKeeper=MSI PasswordKeeper
msiInstructions=To import your MSI PasswordKeeper logins, open the program. Click 'Txt', and then 'Open'. Import the resulting file.
premiumnag=Subscribing to LastPass Premium will give you higher priority support, as well as access to other great premium features.\n\nWould you like to subscribe to LastPass Premium now?
Require Every Character Type=Require Every Character Type
Never ...=Never ...
Choose Profile and Credit Card=Choose Profile and Credit Card
Credit Card=Credit Card
Always Choose Profile and Credit Card=Always Choose Profile and Credit Card
Open login dialog when start browser=Open login dialog when start browser
Would you like to save this form data into a LastPass Form Fill Profile?=Would you like to save this form data into a LastPass Form Fill Profile?
Offer to create new Form Fill Profiles Automatically=Offer to create new Form Fill Profiles Automatically
recently used=recently used
Password Agent=Password Agent
Recently Used=Recently Used
None Available=None Available
Are you sure you want to edit this site's fields? Doing so will cause you to lose any changes you have made to this site!=Are you sure you want to edit this site's fields? Doing so will cause you to lose any changes you have made to this site!
Address 3=Address 3
ZIP / Postal Code=ZIP / Postal Code
Name on Card=Name on Card
Start Date=Start Date
Issue Number=Issue Number
You must enter a valid credit card start date, with a 4 digit year.=You must enter a valid credit card start date, with a 4 digit year.
You must enter your credit card issue number as a sequence of 1 to 3 digits.=You must enter your credit card issue number as a sequence of 1 to 3 digits.
Add Field=Add Field
Field Type=Field Type
You must enter a unique name.=You must enter a unique name.
City / Town=City / Town
Last 3 digits on back of card, or for American Express, last 4 digits in small print on front=Last 3 digits on back of card, or for American Express, last 4 digits in small print on front
Only applicable to certain European brands of debit cards, such as Maestro=Only applicable to certain European brands of debit cards, such as Maestro
9 digit number that can be found in the bottom left corner of your checks=9 digit number that can be found in the bottom left corner of your checks
Number that can be found to the right of your routing number on your checks=Number that can be found to the right of your routing number on your checks
Form Name=Form Name
SaveGenAlert=Your Generated Password has been automatically saved in your Vault. This ensures that it will remain accessible to you until the site has been saved.\n\n(This message will only be shown once)
You must enter a valid evening phone number.=You must enter a valid evening phone number.
You must enter a valid fax phone number.=You must enter a valid fax phone number.
You must enter a valid mobile phone number.=You must enter a valid mobile phone number.
You must enter a valid evening phone extension, consisting only of digits.=You must enter a valid evening phone extension, consisting only of digits.
You must enter a valid fax phone extension, consisting only of digits.=You must enter a valid fax phone extension, consisting only of digits.
You must enter a valid mobile phone extension, consisting only of digits.=You must enter a valid mobile phone extension, consisting only of digits.
A One Time Password has been found. This can be used for Account Recovery if you forget your master LastPass password. If you are having trouble logging in, it is recommended that you do not delete it. Would you like to delete this file?=A One Time Password has been found. This can be used for Account Recovery if you forget your master LastPass password. If you are having trouble logging in, it is recommended that you do not delete it. Would you like to delete this file?
Save a disabled One Time Password locally for Account Recovery=Save a disabled One Time Password locally for Account Recovery
ExistingUsersOTPPrompt=LastPass can now store a One Time Password (OTP) locally that can be used to recover your account if you forget your Master Password. This OTP will remain disabled until it is activated on the server.\n\nWould you like to activate account recovery?
Create Account=Create Account
Sign In=Sign In
Forgot your password?=Forgot your password?
Remember me=Remember me
That group already exists.=That group already exists.
Are you sure you want to change your language to=Are you sure you want to change your language to
You cannot assign more than one HotKey the same value.=You cannot assign more than one HotKey the same value.
Go Premium!=Go Premium!
Delete Group=Delete Group
Are you sure you would like to delete this group?=Are you sure you would like to delete this group?
Login to LastPass=Login to LastPass
Hide Context Menu Options=Hide Context Menu Options
LastPass Products=LastPass Products
LastPass Security Center=LastPass Security Center
LastPass Support=LastPass Support
LastPass accounts exported to Firefox=LastPass accounts exported to Firefox
PINs Password Manager=PINs Password Manager
clipperzInstructions=To export Clipperz cards, login to www.clipperz.com. Click on data, then Export, then Export to JSON. Copy all of the text and save it to a file using a text editor, then import it. Please note that this import may not work properly if you've changed field names from their defaults.
ewalletInstructions=To export eWallet cards, go to eWallet -> Tools -> Export. Save as a text file. Import the resulting file.
pinsInstructions=To import from PINs Password Manager Export in Tab Separated format. Then, import the resulting file.
splashidInstructions=To export passwords, login to the desktop application and go to File -> Export -> CSV -> All Entries. Import the resulting file.
JSON Files=JSON Files
Please provide this computer a name=Please provide this computer a name
This computer is trusted, do not require a second form of authentication.=This computer is trusted, do not require a second form of authentication.
For each coordinate listed below, find the value on your grid and enter the value.=For each coordinate listed below, find the value on your grid and enter the value.
If you lost your grid, click here to disable grid authentication=If you lost your grid, click here to disable grid authentication
fireformInstructions=To export FireForm profiles, right-click the FireForm icon, then choose Simple setup. Go to the General options tab, click Export all profiles, and save an XML file. Import the resulting file.
Passwords Max=Passwords Max
passwordsmaxInstructions=To export Passwords Max passwords, click File -> Database -> Export -> Text. Click OK, and save a CSV file. Import the resulting file.
Password Corral=Password Corral
pwcoralInstructions=To export passwords from Password Corral: Login, go to the File => Export Password => Create a plaintext export of all your password. Import this file.
Password Dragon=Password Dragon
passworddragonInstructions=To export passwords from Password Dragon: Login, go to the File => Export => Text File, make sure you check 'Password', it defaults off. Import the saved file.
You currently have LastPass set to remember your master password. Doing so essentially makes the automatically logoff options you've chosen useless. Would you like LastPass to stop remembering your master password?=You currently have LastPass set to remember your master password. Doing so essentially makes the automatically logoff options you've chosen useless. Would you like LastPass to stop remembering your master password?
Security Check=Security Check
HP Password Safe=HP Password Safe
hppwsafeInstructions=To export HP Password Safe save to an HTML file. Import the resulting file.
If you would like to contribute new icons, please contact support@lastpass.com=If you would like to contribute new icons, please contact support@lastpass.com